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BRC PHOTO 2After the school was shut down, the facility was greatly redesigned and expanded with new buildings, and its purpose transformed into one of working with children with behavioral and other mental health issues.

Today, it's known as The Barry Robinson Center, and continues to serve the intent of the endowment created by Frederick Robinson in a different way while retaining its faith-based roots.

From their website:

aerialOver the years, our services have adapted to meet the changing needs of our community. Our founder, Frederick J. Robinson donated the majority of his estate to establish a school that would help improve the lives of children. As a devout Catholic, he was motivated by his Christian ideals to help children flourish. His benevolence remains at the core of our programs. When you walk around our campus and meet our staff, you start to understand that, for us, this is not just a job — it is a mission, and we strive daily to live up to Mr. Robinson’s gift.

Our campus retains the sense of a small college. Parents and other guests often comment on the beautiful, serene setting. And they always notice the smiles on the faces of residents and staff. Our open campus, “Voices of Pride” choir, guitar ensemble, garden program, Scout troop, spiritual counselor, and the warm living environment are just a few of the distinctive elements that separate us from other residential programs. To fully appreciate our programs, you need to visit — so consider this an open invitation!

Fulfilling a Catholic Legacy